If you’ve ever spent weeks (or even months!) learning and implementing a business strategy that did not lead to desirable results, you already know that the practicals can only get you so far.
Practical business knowledge and resources can be powerful tools for entrepreneurs, but only if it comes from a strong foundation of inner work.
Doing the inner work means taking the time to uncover deeper beliefs and patterns within ourselves, the kind that influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. After we deeply understand our mindsets and the stories we’ve been telling ourselves, we can intentionally shift away from the ones that are blocking us from clarity, courage, and action.
Does doing the inner work make a difference?
The short answer is yes! Here are a few benefits of doing the inner work.
Gain clarity on what you want and how to get there. When we are in high-pressure situations and feel pulled in many directions, our vision of what we want and how to get there can often be influenced by our desperation, impatience, or other people’s agenda. By looking within instead of outward, we get a real sense of where we are and where we’d like to be, which helps us understand what steps we need to take next.
Maximize your resources. When your vision is anchored with a strong foundation of inner work, you’ll be able to focus your efforts and energy on what really matters. You won’t waste time and money on band-aid solutions that don’t work in the long term. Instead, you’ll take bold actions that are game-changing for you and your business.
Take actions that are true to who you are. You shouldn’t have to betray your needs and values, or sacrifice who you are for the sake of success. When you let your inner wisdom guide you, the actions and decisions you take will be aligned with what’s truly important to you, bringing results that give you true sense of joy and fulfillment.
While it takes a serious commitment, the rewards of doing the inner work are immeasurable. Every little step counts, helping you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. What you do with that awareness makes all of the difference in the world.
Are you convinced that doing the inner work could change your life and how you run your business? Share your thoughts with me by emailing me at courage@irabriones.com.
If you’re ready to do the inner work, my courage coaching programs for entrepreneurs have strong inner work components when we work together through energy healing and transformational coaching. Trust me, the inner work is worth it!